


Administration pls contact me

By: Neil  21-Nov-2019
How do I remove myself from swarm patrol

I have registered but have not received confirmation email. user Gobees stuart.goeby@gmail.com

By:Stuart  On:2020-10-05

Hi, I have tried to register, received the confirmation email but my email / password are not accepted. ben@sargant.com.au 0412563765

By:Ben Sargant  On:2020-10-04

Hey admin, I've twice tried to register as a swarm catcher on here, and I'm not ever received and email from the system. pedwards at frazzle dot co dot nz

By:Paul  On:2020-09-22

Hi I am in Lara Victoria Australia 0428532355 I have a hive living in a large gum tree I would like removed if possible thank you

By:Ro Jelbart   On:2020-09-21

By:  On:2020-05-28

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